DD Rockwell
Real Estate Broker, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services

DD Rockwell is a Real Estate Broker with Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Colorado Real Estate based in Golden Colorado and serving the Denver metro area. DD will help you to find the perfect home that is right for you. She is organized and professional and has a process that is proven. As a licensed Realtor and member of the local ethics board, she has certifications in the field of negotiations, seller advocacy and staging. Her brokerage firm is very supportive with a focus on collaboration, education, positive mindset and up to the minute access to the latest technology. Her affiliation with Berkshire Hathaway Home Services gives her a pulse on the wider world with on the ground support across the nation. She can work in any market around the world and help you directly to reach your real estate goals.
DD is a licensed Realtor and member of the DMAR, CAR and NAR, she has up to the minute information, at her fingertips. She was a Licensed Property & Casualty Insurance Producer and has always enjoyed the creativity of the building and construction trades. PBS's This Old House was a favorite show she watched as a kid and it always fascinated her that a house would be around for many generations, giving so many years of stability and wealth. DD also taught music to children for many years at the Mile Hi Children's Enrichment Center and the DaVinci School of Music. She learned how support families and children, while she raised her own two children. She loves being able to apply this wonderful knowledge and experience in this industry. Environment is everything!
Ideal Client
My ideal client is someone interested in learning about the process of building wealth in Real Estate. I often work with families at every stage, upsizing or downsizing, first time home-buyers and seniors. It can be a stressful time and my goal is to ease the pain with a seamless process and clarify the options along the way.
Power Partners
Mortgage Lenders
Financial Planners
Construction Trades
Insurance Brokers
Massage Therapists
Travel Agents
Hotel/Concierge Staff/Airbnb hosts
Corporate Relocation Departments
Contact Info
Located in Golden, Colorado

What does SHE stand for?
SHE is more than a leads group - SHE Leads Group exists to support women in business development roles. SHE Members are women in business who appreciate the role many women have being a full-time caregiver to loved ones and advancing their full-time career or business. The letters “S H E” stand for Supporting Heart & Enterprise ®. Heart is our families, or anything near and dear and personal to us. Enterprise is our business or career. Members are expected to uphold the values and culture for which SHE stands. Every member of SHE Leads Group should desire to be a resource to each other. SHE Leads Group is more than just a leads group. We are a group of supportive women who truly want to help others in any way possible.